
The middle school science program is designed to increase student’s enthusiasm towards science and how it applies to the real world.


Pioneer Academy third grade students learning how to code during Computer class

The middle school science program is designed to increase student’s enthusiasm towards science and how it applies to the real world.

This course helps students develop scientific literacy so they better understand the world we live in by improving upon things such as familiarity with the natural world, understanding disciplinary core ideas and crosscutting concepts of science, students’ ability to reason scientifically, and apply scientific knowledge and engineering practices for personal and social purposes.
In this course, FOSS Next Generation is used. FOSS is more than a typical science program. This program has several key features; students learn science by doing science integrated reading, writing, and mathematics, interactive technology, outdoor activities, and program support.


Fifth Grade
Seventh Grade
A middle school girl working on an electric current experiment in Science Lab
The middle school program aims to build student character and academic achievement through enriching, purposeful and engaging academic and social activities. Led by an amazing team of teachers, Pioneer middle school students grow to become driven, respectful, and compassionate young men and women.  With fun and exciting middle classroom lesson and school-wide events, our students look forward to coming to school every day.