At Pioneer Academy, the overall aim of music education is to teach our students how to learn through music, rather than learn just music. In every instrument, in every tune, in every note or rhythmic pattern, there will be a particle of the world hidden that our students have to discover.
Musicianship can teach us so much about friendship, soulfulness, patience, humbleness, diversity, history, principles etc. It is a synthesis of virtues that serves as a window to connect with the rest of a beautiful wide world ready to be explored. Making music together evokes inspiration. Learning how to play an instrument develops patience and perseverance. Performing together creates eternal friendships. Exploring music together takes us on a world journey. All of these combined, yield nothing short of a well-rounded future cosmopolitan citizen with a music passport.
Message from the Department Head
The overall aim of music education is to teach our students how to learn through music, rather than learn just music. In every instrument, in every tune, in every note or rhythmic pattern, there will be a particle of the world hidden that our students have to discover. Musicianship can teach us so much about friendship, soulfulness, patience, humbleness, diversity, history, principles etc. It is a synthesis of virtues that serves as a window to connect with the rest of a beautiful wide world ready to be explored. Making music together evokes inspiration. Learning how to play an instrument develops patience and perseverance. Performing together creates eternal friendships. Exploring music together takes us on a world journey. All of these combined, yield nothing short of a well-rounded future cosmopolitan citizen with a music passport.
Fine Arts Department Head
Pioneer Music Ensemble

Since its beginnings, the Music Department of our school has established a very strong culture of performers (solo and ensembles.) We have always had and continue to have numerous talented students who appear to be gifted in various ways musically speaking. The passion, dedication and encouragement has always been present; therefore, Pioneer Academy has always been a crib of musical ensembles starting from Rock Bands to Classical, Jazz and Contemporary ensembles. The music clubs usually serve as the powerhouse for preparing and polishing the performances as the classes equip students with the necessary musical knowledge.
The Music Ensembles of Pioneer academy have produced and nurtured composers, vocalists, virtuosos, competitive musicians at a world level and Prize Recipients who have had the opportunity to be accepted as part of festivals and competitions throughout the country and abroad. It is worth mentioning;
- Genius Olympiad Gold and Bronze Medal winner
- Staten Island Music Festival participants
- The Colors of the World Festival held in NYC, Toronto, Frankfurt
- High award recipient composer in the Wayne District Festival of Composers in New Jersey
Lastly, the Pioneer Academy ensembles stand out for their original creative formats that appear every year dictated by the curricular frames of the school's administrators and instructors. It is worth mentioning the Music Exhibitions and the Live Lounge that unfold every year new and novice elements in the world of musical performance.